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Rubbing out another Bollard

Brian Lynne | Published on 2/1/2024

Another bollard has been removed from The Hills Shire. In 2023, without consultation, The Hills Council constructed a new section of shared path linking Showground Road Shared Path near the Cattai Creek Bridge, to the Showground Metro. Unfortunately, part of the development was a U barrier near the Showground Road exit.

Initial enquiries with Council resulted in responses including, it was necessary to slow cyclists down and to keep them on their side of the path. Additionally, it was to give cyclists something to hang onto at the end of the path. After a number of emails, pointing out the danger of the U barrier, Council agreed to an on-sight inspection mid-January. It was easy to point out that the barrier was dangerous and in breach of Austroads Guidelines on at least three counts. To Council’s credit, they accepted the points put forward by Bike North and  removed the barrier. Whilst Bike North will continue to raise safety issues, the cost of rectification could be avoided if all councils ensured their infrastructure met Austroads Guidelines and they consulted by bicycle user groups, such as Bike North in the initial design phase.

If you see a dangerous situation, use Snap, Send, Solve and raise it with the relevant government body. You may prevent an injury to a fellow cyclist.

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