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A momentous day in Parramatta

David Thomson | Published on 11/1/2023

On 31 October the long awaited Alfred St Bridge was opened by Minister for Transport, Jo Haylen, together with Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Pierre Esber.  

The $19m, 4.5 meters wide and almost 200m long bridge will provide an accessible connection over the river directly to the future Parramatta Light Rail stop on the southern side, along with services, schools and recreational opportunities. With this new bridge, even more of the community can now enjoy and experience more than 20km of off-road paths along the Parramatta Valley Cycleway.

This was also an opportunity for a chat with senior Transport for NSW staff, local bike advocates and Minister Haylen.  Minister Haylen emphasised her support for families riding, including cargo style bikes.  She also affirmed her passion of increasing riding and walking to school and hinted at a possible upcoming policy announcement.  

Pictured above chatting are:   David Thomson of Bike North, Transport Minister Jo Haylen, Charlene Bordley of CAMWEST and Councillor Kellie Darley of Parramatta City Council. 

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