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Summer Cycling

Brian Lynne | Published on 9/18/2024

Winter’s gone, and most cyclists would be happy to leave those frosty mornings behind. Trying to get enough layers on, without looking like “The Michelin Man” is always a challenge so the Summer warmth is always welcome but Summer has its own challenges.

So, what do you need to do to safely cycling in Summer?

Direct sunlight is one of the major issues. If you are in the sun, without sunscreen or other protection, you will start to burn after as little as 15 minutes, or less for fair skinned people, and this can result in various skin cancers. Consider the following:

1. Cover up as much as possible. Light weight cycling sleeves and longer nicks will help. Don’t forget that the sun can also get you through the vents in your helmet. A good helmet cap, such as the Bike North cap will assist in preventing sunburn.

2. Apply sunscreen. The Cancer Council recommends the use of SPF50+, which should be reapplied each two hours if swimming or sweating. It’s best to apply well before exercise but you should also reapply at the coffee break.

3. Wear good sunglasses. Your eyes are as susceptible to VU radiation so get sunglasses with a high UV rating that fit well around your face. UV can get in the sides of poor fitting glasses, not to mention bugs. No one wants to cop a bug in the eye during their favourite descent.


4. Seek shade whenever you can. If you are on a Bike North ride, Ride Leaders will always attempt to do regroups in the shade, where possible. If there is an unforeseen delay, like a puncture, get under the shade of a tree, if possible.


So now that you are properly kitted out, it’s still going to be 30C in the shade, what else should you consider?

Whilst we have considered clothing from the perspective of UV protection, there are a few other things to consider. Does your helmet have good vents to allow the cooling breeze you ride if generating to cool you down? Cycling jerseys are generally vented, to allow for good air flow which will reduce the tendency to overheat.

Keep moving
As you well know, even riding slowly you feel a cooling breeze but long stops, with the heat coming off the road, can be very draining.

If you become dehydrated, you will suffer more from cramps, tire more quickly and, as a worst-case scenario, you can lose consciousness. There are three stages of hydration, these being pre-hydration, hydrating during the ride and post ride rehydration.

The Red Cross Life Blood recommend their donors hydrate the day before donating. If you are well hydrated on the morning of the ride, you’ll be in a better position to maintain good hydration. If you are driving to the start, 500ml of water on the way would also help.

Whilst on the ride, drink frequently. If you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated. You are better to have 200ml of water each 20 minutes than slamming down 1l at the coffee break, as most of this goes straight to the bladder, and you’ll be hanging on for that toilet stop. Lots of Bike North members are opting for a look, cold, milkshake at the café stop. Practice safe drinking on the go. Whilst the professionals jettison drink bottles before hills, we are not so concerned about the extra weight, so why not carry two bidons, maybe one with an electrolyte drink and the other water? You could even freeze one so that you have a cold drink later in the ride.

Post ride hydration is critical to recovery, even of you have done everything right to this stage. Depending on the ride, you may have still lost up to 2l of fluid! Frequent smaller drinks are recommended but, unfortunately, beer isn’t the recommended drink. Whole fat milk is a great rehydrater as it contains all the essential ingredients you need at this stage. It also contains slightly less sugar than reduced fat milks. Water is still the best.


So remember, when riding this summer,

Slip on sun protective clothing.
Slop on sunscreen, and reapply at the café stop.
Slap on your helmet, and consider the sun that gets through the vents.
Slide on good quality sunglasses.
Drink often during the ride
Re-hydrate immediately after the ride.

Happy Summer cycling.

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