The ride starts with the North Shore bike routes and quiet roads to the Spit Bridge. At Seaforth we detour for some views of upper Middle Harbour before joining Wakehurst Parkway to the south side of Warringah Rd. We then take a route through Allambie Heights, Beacon Hill, Narraweena and Cromer to join up with a shared path around Narrabeen Lakes. We cross South, Middle and Deep Creeks taking the path in a clockwise direction. Approximately 5km of this path is unsealed (not advisable for road bikes and hybrids in or after wet weather). The return ride to the start uses a similar more direct route via Spit Bridge. Pace is faster on the flatter sections of the ride where route allows to achieve the steady average. Regroups at the top of longer climbing sections. Short sections of the ride have heavier traffic. In addition to the beautiful lake scenery of Narrabeen Lakes this ride has a number of exciting vistas at the top of some challenging climbs but well worth the look. It is advisable to avoid doing the ride in busy summer weekend periods or school holidays due to high activity on the lake loop. At December 2018 roadworks on Warringah Rd are still to be completed. This ride crossing route may need to be revised during 2019
RIDE LEADER NOTES for Tuesday April 2nd
Coffee at Narrabeen Lakes. Moderate pace where route allows. Cancelled if raining or extreme weather.
Distance: 63.00
Elevation Change: 845
Ride with GPS
Check public transport alerts:
Risk warning
As a participant in this dangerous recreational activity, you may be exposing yourself to a significant risk of
harm. Bike North, the ride organisers and leaders wish to warn you of the risks and hazards that are an
inherent part of cycling, and to take care to prevent putting yourself, your fellow participants and/or others
into danger. By registering for this ride, you accept the warning as to risk, and you agree to ride in a safe
and responsible manner and to obey all Australian Road Rules.
Keeping us COVID-safe
- Registration for Bike North rides is compulsory. Walk-ins will not be permitted to join a ride.
- Physical distancing of 1.5 metres should be observed where possible.
- All riders are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer.
- Riders must not attend if sick, have Covid-19, influenza or symptoms of any communicable disease.
Social media
While on Bike North rides and activities, you may be photographed or videoed. Photographs and videos
may be used by Bike North for social media or promotional purposes. If participants do not wish to be
included in social media, they should make it known at the beginning of the activity or as soon as possible
and other participants must respect their wishes.

Check public transport alerts:
Risk warning
As a participant in this dangerous recreational activity, you may be exposing yourself to a significant risk of
harm. Bike North, the ride organisers and leaders wish to warn you of the risks and hazards that are an
inherent part of cycling, and to take care to prevent putting yourself, your fellow participants and/or others
into danger. By registering for this ride, you accept the warning as to risk, and you agree to ride in a safe
and responsible manner and to obey all Australian Road Rules.
All riders must wear an approved helmet and carry water, at least one spare tube plus a pump.
Health Warning
Riders must not attend if sick, have Covid-19, influenza or symptoms of any communicable disease.
Social media
While on Bike North rides and activities, you may be photographed or videoed. Photographs and videos
may be used by Bike North for social media or promotional purposes. If participants do not wish to be
included in social media, they should make it known at the beginning of the activity or as soon as possible
and other participants must respect their wishes.