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Secret Dyarubbin River Ride Support by Bike North

Published on 2/1/2024
MPN-MATE RESEARCH FOUNDATION simply wishes to express our gratitude for all of the incredible assistance provided to us for our "SECRET DYARUBBIN RIVER RIDE"  Rare Blood Cancer Research Fundraising & Awareness event held in Windsor on December 03, 2023.
Our cycling event could not have been more perfect; incident free, perfect weather & a truly perfect group of people (RIDERS) joining us on the day for an interesting cultural cycling touring event of 80+km in and around the mighty Hawkesbury River region, and especially also aiding the local community restimulate a little Hawkesbury curiosity after they had been inundated by no less than x6 separate Flooding events.
Thank you all so very much for all your participation; including BN Riders, President Phill Hart & of course Di Lawrence for continually updating and aiding our marketing to BN members.
This LINK to our website, will show you to a short film of this most successful day's event. Again, thank you all...


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