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HomeEvent CalendarCronulla to Tallawong -- CANCELED

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Only 20 Spot(s) Left
Cronulla to Tallawong -- CANCELED

About this event

Flat-ish suburban odyssey, especially good for south-easterly breeze.


IDEAL ROUTE for this day's FORECAST RAIN CHANCE and wind direction.


MONITOR CALENDAR at 6:30am on day for possible cancellation or change.


About 50% on paths, including some of:

Bate Bay, Woolooware Bay, M5, Cooks River, Duck River, Alfred St, M4, PVC, Lalor Creek, M7. The Ponds. (Leaders may prefer adjacent road in some places).


The 13km from Kogarah Bay to Cooks River is more complex and trafficked. Leaders should have ridden this section beforehand at similar time and day-of-week.


Several loo/water options are shown on route map.


11 scattered rail-bail options are shown on/near route, after excluding currently-closed Bankstown Line.


We'll stop once for refreshment,at the Village Cafe within Rookwood Cemetery @ 29km.


Although there are relatively few traffic lights for such a long route thru suburbia, the route IS fiddly in places, and some paths are popular with walkers and riders. It is certainly NOT for "Strava Strivers".


Riders wanting to transport their bikes from and to home should consider parking near a Metro Station and taking the Metro to Sydenham.  North Shore riders beware City Circle trackwork.   Catch the train leaving Sydenham P6 at 8:02, arr. Cronulla 8:44 and we'll start ASAP after that.


Distance: 70.00

Elevation Change: 536

Ride with GPS

Check public transport alerts:

Risk warning

As a participant in this dangerous recreational activity, you may be exposing yourself to a significant risk of

harm. Bike North, the ride organisers and leaders wish to warn you of the risks and hazards that are an

inherent part of cycling, and to take care to prevent putting yourself, your fellow participants and/or others

into danger. By registering for this ride, you accept the warning as to risk, and you agree to ride in a safe

and responsible manner and to obey all Australian Road Rules.

All riders must wear an approved helmet and carry water, at least one spare tube plus a pump.

Health Warning

Riders must not attend if sick, have Covid-19, influenza or symptoms of any communicable disease.

Social media

While on Bike North rides and activities, you may be photographed or videoed. Photographs and videos

may be used by Bike North for social media or promotional purposes. If participants do not wish to be

included in social media, they should make it known at the beginning of the activity or as soon as possible

and other participants must respect their wishes.

Date and Time

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 9:00 AM


Cronulla Station

Ride Leader(s)

Richard Kelly


Medium Hard



Registration Info

Registration is not Required


20 Total Slots
20 Available Slot(s)

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