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Pino Assisted Rides

Phillip Hart

Did you see the unusual-looking bikes at the Big Rides Day?  They are called ‘Pinos’; they are an e-bike tandem with a very unusual design. 

Unlike a traditional tandem bike, with a Pino, one person sits at the front of the bike leaning backwards in a recumbent posture, can push pedals but has no role in steering the bike.  This person is called the 'stoker'. Someone else sits at the back and is responsible for steering, pedalling, brakes and gears. That person is called the 'pilot'.

Because the stoker does not steer the bike, that person can engage during the ride in other activities such as photography.  It is also ideal for people who are vision-impaired or otherwise unable to manage a bicycle.

One of our members, Gary Hackett, has kindly offered regularly to lend us some Pinos to provide cycling experiences to people who would not otherwise be able to ride.  He is also willing to train interested Bike North members in how to ride as the rear person, taking a person on the front on suitable Bike North rides.

Having the Pinos would bring many benefits:

  • The person at the front (stoker) enjoys the experience of cycling, a pleasure that for many people would not otherwise be possible.  We know ourselves the benefits to mental and physical health, well-being, fitness and simply the sheer joy that this can bring
  • Bike North members are given the opportunity to support others who would not otherwise be able to enjoy cycling.  By voluntarily giving their time, skills and energy to others, they are serving the community
  • Bike North meets one of its two objectives: to provide members and others with safe and enjoyable cycling experiences.

If you are interested in becoming a pilot or have any ideas about the use of Pino bikes within Bike North, please get in touch: .


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