All riders must be present at start for ride briefing.
Cancelled it raining or adverse weather conditions.
This ride traverses the Classic off-road cycle route from Homebush Bay to Botany Bay, along with a number of short road sections which lead to, and then join up, the cycleway sections. We ride to Sydney Olympic Park then on road to South Strathfield before we pick up the Cooks River Cycleway which we follow to the very end at Botany Bay, then along the Bay for a while to Brighton for coffee.
The ride is mostly flat using the narrow cycleway but in order to cover the distance in time we will need to put constant effort in. The route has many tight corners and slow sections requiring good cycle skills and good awareness of all path users. A loud bicycle bell is a must when riding on this route as we constantly slow and accelerate as we pass others.
At Botany Bay we have a favourite cafe by the beach, but you can choose one of the many cafes in the area or just sit on the grassy bank and watch the planes land at the airport during our break.
We return the exact same route. With constant riding and just a few regroups we will take about 5 hours to return to the starting point. That is about 2 hours 10 minutes each way including regroup stops, then about 45 minutes for coffee.
Distance: 61.00
Elevation Change: 446
Effort Index: 24
Ride with GPS

Check public transport alerts:
Risk warning
As a participant in this dangerous recreational activity, you may be exposing yourself to a significant risk of
harm. Bike North, the ride organisers and leaders wish to warn you of the risks and hazards that are an
inherent part of cycling, and to take care to prevent putting yourself, your fellow participants and/or others
into danger. By registering for this ride, you accept the warning as to risk, and you agree to ride in a safe
and responsible manner and to obey all Australian Road Rules.
All riders must wear an approved helmet and carry water, at least one spare tube plus a pump.
Health Warning
Riders must not attend if sick, have Covid-19, influenza or symptoms of any communicable disease.
Social media
While on Bike North rides and activities, you may be photographed or videoed. Photographs and videos
may be used by Bike North for social media or promotional purposes. If participants do not wish to be
included in social media, they should make it known at the beginning of the activity or as soon as possible
and other participants must respect their wishes.